Environmental, Social and Governance


The Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) mission of HarborRock is to protect people and the environment, partner with communities and society, and promote economic development within the maritime and sediment management industries.

To this end, we will:

  • Apply our proven processes, experience and innovation in engineering, environmental safety and health, procurement, construction, and operations to develop, design, and execute projects with care for the environment, as well as for the safety and well-being of our people.

  • Be supportive to the communities that host our projects and offices and use inclusive, participatory engagement by which local cultures and values are respected, dialogue is promoted and mutual trust is built.

  • Build and enhance the capacity of workers and businesses through local procurement and hiring and by stimulating long-term economic development beyond the projects we deliver.

Environmental Benefits:

  • Every year, Reuse creates the equivalent of 20 acres of storage capacity.
  • By using wet material from a DMCF, according to a Public Agency’s own consultants, HarborRock would improve water quality within the DMCF and eliminate any discharge limitations.
  • HarborRock’s air emission controls and overall process is state of the art. There are no regulatory impediments to implementation.
  • HarborRock will accept any, and all, material currently in, or placed in, a DMCF – either clean or contaminated without limitation – and make an aggregate product that is eligible for LEED credits.

Social Benefits:

  • Creation of over 200 man-years of employment during the construction of the Facility.
  • Creation of 70 direct full-time jobs & 210 indirect jobs in the region.
  • Tax revenues from a new ratable in the form of a new Facility.
  • Tax revenues associated with the income from the Facility staff.

Governance Benefits:

  • The Facilities will be 100% privately funded. No public capital investment is needed.
  • Permanently addresses 100% of the sediment management needs for the Port and Host Community through conversion and reuse. This preserves remaining industrial sites for more valuable economic development or social purposes.
  • Reuse saves hundreds of millions of dollars to the Port and Public Agencies as an alternative to the expensive process to expand existing landfills and DMCFs, or build new ones entirely.  
  • HarborRock will always have a performance bond in place to remove its Facility and restore its site to the original condition should we not meet our contractual obligations.